Permanent Supportive Housing

Welcome to Townspeople's Permanent Supportive Housing Program: Building Foundations for Lasting Stability.

Designed with a Housing First approach, our Permanent Supportive Housing ensures permanent housing is the primary focus of addressing homelessness. We are here to provide a safe and supportive environment where you can find the stability and resources you need.

What is Permanent Supportive Housing?

Permanent Supportive Housing is a proven approach designed specifically for individuals experiencing homelessness living with a disability who require ongoing support to achieve long-term well-being. It combines safe and affordable housing with comprehensive support services tailored to your needs. Rather than making housing conditional upon meeting specific requirements, we believe in offering immediate access to safe and permanent housing. From there, we collaborate with you to address any additional needs and provide the support required to maintain long-term housing stability.

The Benefits

  • Safe and Stable Housing: Our program offers a permanent home for individuals and families, providing a foundation for health and wellness.
  • Wraparound Support Services: We understand that housing is just one piece of the puzzle—our experienced team of professionals provides comprehensive support tailored to your needs. From case management and mental health services to employment assistance and life skills training, we are here to empower you every step of the way.
  • Personalized Care: We believe in a person-centered approach, recognizing that everyone has unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations. Our team works closely with you to develop an individualized housing plan that addresses your needs, fosters personal growth, and helps you overcome barriers to self-sufficiency.
  • Community and Belonging: Our Permanent Supportive Housing program is more than just a place to live; it is a community that fosters connection, support, and a sense of belonging. Through group gatherings and shared spaces, you can build relationships, create lasting friendships, and find the support you need on your journey.
  • Housing Stability: Our program is designed for the long term, ensuring you remain stably housed once you find housing. We provide ongoing support to help you maintain your tenancy, navigate any challenges that arise, and foster a sense of pride and ownership in your home.

How it Works

Townspeople owns and operates four affordable apartment complexes with more than 100 units of Permanent Supportive Housing and oversees an additional 12 units scattered throughout the region. Vacancies are filled using the Regional Task Force on Homelessness’ Coordinated Entry System (CES). To learn more about CES, including access site locations, please visit the CES webpage.

Visit Us

Townspeople Office


2047 El Cajon Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92104

Days & Hours:

9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. PT

Contact Information:


Phone: (619) 295-8802
Fax: (619) 314-8040

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